October 3-5, 2024

We are pleased to announce that the winner of the 2024 Salem Apple Butter Queen Pageant wins a full scholarship to Salem University. Click here for details. We thank Salem University for their ongoing support!
Our 2024 schedule is now available!
NEW FESTIVAL ACTIVITY FOR 2024: ROLLER SKATING - The Salem Apple Butter Festival, Inc. will be offering a Free Outdoor Roller Skating Rink during the festival -you will have to provide your own skates - if you have any old skates or roller blades please donate them to the Apple Butter Shop for others to be able to participate- check your attic, basements or yard sales this summer for your own set of skates to come join in on the fun
NEW EVENT FOR 2024: ART SHOW featuring local entrants and the photographic works of Lemuel Muniz, Director, Producer, Photographer, and owner of Moon & Stars Studio. The exhibition will showcase a variety of artworks, including West Virginia artworks, Fort New Salem, Civil War photography, and Rock and Roll classics. Join us for an unforgettable experience celebrating the beauty of art and photography.
NEW AWARD FOR 2024: A Quilt of Valor has been made and donated to the Apple Butter Festival Committee. We will present this quilt to a veteran during the 2024 festival. Eligible veterans should be from Salem or the immediate surrounding area. Nominations for the recipient must be received by September 1st, 2024. The recipient will be chosen by a committee of three comprised of the Mayor of Salem, the chairperson of the Apple Butter Festival, and a member of the local VFW. Applications can be emailed to salemapple@hotmail.com or mailed to Salem Apple Butter Festival PO Box 293 Salem WV 26426
This is your source for the latest announcements and developments about our festival.Check back throughout the year to learn the great things happening at the Salem Apple Butter Festival.
Our new ABOUT US area was added for 2024 and includes the new site for the committee directory, our recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award and (coming soon) the history of our festival through a digitalized collection of our yearly program.

40th Annual Apple Butter Festival
The Salem Apple Butter Festival, founded in 1984, provides live demonstrations of old fashion apple butter making. You will see the process done outdoors using copper kettles suspended over wood fire with the tasty product and canned on the spot for visitors to purchase. Other attractions include entertainment daily, grand parade, food, crafts, celebrity auction and many contests including quilt show, the Sam Warner Memorial 5k Run, bicycle poker ride, pet show-off, talent show, car show, and corn hole tournament. The festival is a drug and alcohol free event providing family fun for all ages. There is no admission charge and all entertainment is free, as well. Parking is on-street or in area lots. The festival is handicap accessible.

Featured Activities
Apple Butter Making
Family Entertainment Nightly
Bicycle Poker Ride
Auto & Truck Show
5-k Run
Greased Pig Contest
Coronation Ceremony
Quilt Show
Cooking with Apples Contest
Pet Show Off
Talent Contest
Poster Contest
Children's Games
And Much More!

© 2024 Salem Apple Butter Festival. Webmaster Dr. Joseph Audia